I am Alan...

Life is always full of contradictions...

Thursday, July 27, 2006



All because of this stupid Indian Auntie...

Was with Miss Tan and her friend waiting for a cab...

And so it seems... Damn difficult to get one...
So when the 1st one came, Miss Tan's friend board it and off she is to Yishun...
Obviously we didn't board it since we are on our way to Tampines...
And thus we waited at the same position for the next available cab...

Then this indian lady, who was standing behind us came over and accuse us of unfair tactics that we are hogging the cabs and not let her flagging the next available cab...
So funny...
Dumb man...
Who wouldn't board the cab together in 3s if we are going to the same place?
So what if we are not taking the same cab....

I can understand if you ask politely to let you have the next cab if you are busy...
But accusing one of unfair tactics...
Let's just say that i had a wonderful time smiling at her and making lookin bewildered with my comment ;p

4 million smiles?
Looks like cannot make it man...
Unless you count me simling when i was commenting on my own unfair tactics to her...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


School's starting soon, and work's ending soon...
Time really passes very fast, and before all you people know it...
It's gonna be the working life that will beckons all of us in the next coming few months...

1. Thinking of a good career
2. Thinking of being together with the woman i love
3. Thinking of a happy family
4. Thinking of running and playing basketball all day

Just these 4 things, and i can tell you there are already a lot of contradictions...
Is contradictions the right word?

OCBC brought me another side that i haveen't got time to discover about myself...
Somehow, being an adult in Singapore is not that easy...
I will prevail though...
Not necessary earning big bucks or what
But to be satisfied if the opportunity arises...

Just got towork hard to realised all the dreams i have...
Somehow feeling better than all the previous years...
Might not be still as confident, but definitely not as pessimisti as before...

Life is Beautiful...
Not only because of happy things, but also looking back at the different struggles 1 have to overcome ;)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am Alan and a Singaporean

Mr Brown's Column was suspended, and this came as a big big surprise surprise to me...
Is this part of a clampdown that was directed to Mr Brown who had makde light of a lot of things ever since the hustings during the elections> But one thing for sure, this move hadn't make the government many friends, judging from the response in Brown's site.

Let's support Brown, if you happen to be one of the frequent visitors of his site... Judging by his response, i do feel sorry for him...

(May he be like Germany then! Full of fighting spirit....)

Over the past week, met up with my Nass Peeps as well as Darryl and Tp...(And where are u, PJ!?)

Not Bad for a working life...
Working life is really draining than NUS, but then again, we shouldn't complain, because we are really being compensated by the wages that we received... Oh i thoroughly enjoy the experience as well...

There and then, Thank you for being with me... It's been a wonderful period for me and i reckon, for the both of us... Especially the encouraging words...

I am born in 1982,
I go by the nick that nobody exactly wants.
I once lived in the place named after an old tree, and that was the best place i ever lived.
I had an happy family and an arguably brilliant group of friends...
I am Part of Supa... ;)
I met her not too long ago, Finally...
I love the place that i was born into and lived for the past 24 years
and i am a Singaporean

PS: i am sure Mr Brown loves his country too...
That alone is more important than anything in trying to defend or support any political party in Singapore...