Back again...
Long time no BLOG! haha...
Anyway, lots had changed ever since i last blogged on "I am Alan"
I am now a competition analyst, with a wonderful galfren, on the brink of into another phase of my life, still together wil some of my really very good frens and being happy when i need to feel happy. ;) Thanks to the basketball peeps and the mentoring peeps that i am still sane and sound.
Colleagues had been first class so far, but i guess it's just a matter of time before i encounter a complete change to new set of colleagues. Wish my relationship with some of my colleagues can be better, but it seems difficult, as people in the working world are much more guarded than i would have expected. Realised this, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it) in my first week of work, BUT simply didn't buy that, because of an ex-colleague whom i am still in contact with. Further, people had been leaving every now and then, and the changes that the management made really demoralise the staff at times.
On the other hand, sometimes, i really wonder if competition is really the field for me. If it isn't, which one is? I believe the young analysts (including me) simply had not enough exprience and expertise as compared to economists from some of the other premier agencies. What's worse is that there isn't anybody experienced in competition economics guiding us and leading us through. Some may be found wanting in terms of imparting the practicalities in competition economics to us. That, i am sure. Until the day when i believe that competition is really for me and that i decide to do my masters to gain specialisation in this field, i probably can only hope for the best.
On the way to my first marathon, and i am really training for it this time round, also in a desperate attempt to actuall take the chance to shed some weight as well. ;) Do seriously hope that i can do it this time round without any serious concerns with regards to my ankle. So far, my ankle hadn't been able to actually last for more than 21km without hurting (which i attribute to my inadequate training). Hope i can make it this time round.
On to matters with miss tan, i eventually decided to propose last year and at this moment, we are on our way to a new phase of life, by applying for the flats in punggol, and start envisaging our plans for the future. In all seriousness, the future does look exciting, with stuff like flats, wedding, living together to ponder about. It won't be easy, and i reckon that there will probably be friction and the nittys grittys that we have to overcome as a couple. Though we are not astrologers who are able to look into the future, in all confidence, i believed that we are, and will be doing fine in the years to come.
Disappointed that i have not been able to really keep up with these peeps...
And that includes
Yang, Lee, Ah Beng, Toh, Ezen, Jack, Mr Chan Kai Hoe, the 7th cycle YCSS mentors, PJ, T Ping, the social workers, my sec sch bball mates and guys from the g league.
I miss certainly miss the happy days back in the G league... Undoubtedly, those were my happiest happiest days...
Ngee Ann simply ROX...
Anyway, lots had changed ever since i last blogged on "I am Alan"
I am now a competition analyst, with a wonderful galfren, on the brink of into another phase of my life, still together wil some of my really very good frens and being happy when i need to feel happy. ;) Thanks to the basketball peeps and the mentoring peeps that i am still sane and sound.
Colleagues had been first class so far, but i guess it's just a matter of time before i encounter a complete change to new set of colleagues. Wish my relationship with some of my colleagues can be better, but it seems difficult, as people in the working world are much more guarded than i would have expected. Realised this, unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it) in my first week of work, BUT simply didn't buy that, because of an ex-colleague whom i am still in contact with. Further, people had been leaving every now and then, and the changes that the management made really demoralise the staff at times.
On the other hand, sometimes, i really wonder if competition is really the field for me. If it isn't, which one is? I believe the young analysts (including me) simply had not enough exprience and expertise as compared to economists from some of the other premier agencies. What's worse is that there isn't anybody experienced in competition economics guiding us and leading us through. Some may be found wanting in terms of imparting the practicalities in competition economics to us. That, i am sure. Until the day when i believe that competition is really for me and that i decide to do my masters to gain specialisation in this field, i probably can only hope for the best.
On the way to my first marathon, and i am really training for it this time round, also in a desperate attempt to actuall take the chance to shed some weight as well. ;) Do seriously hope that i can do it this time round without any serious concerns with regards to my ankle. So far, my ankle hadn't been able to actually last for more than 21km without hurting (which i attribute to my inadequate training). Hope i can make it this time round.
On to matters with miss tan, i eventually decided to propose last year and at this moment, we are on our way to a new phase of life, by applying for the flats in punggol, and start envisaging our plans for the future. In all seriousness, the future does look exciting, with stuff like flats, wedding, living together to ponder about. It won't be easy, and i reckon that there will probably be friction and the nittys grittys that we have to overcome as a couple. Though we are not astrologers who are able to look into the future, in all confidence, i believed that we are, and will be doing fine in the years to come.
Disappointed that i have not been able to really keep up with these peeps...
And that includes
Yang, Lee, Ah Beng, Toh, Ezen, Jack, Mr Chan Kai Hoe, the 7th cycle YCSS mentors, PJ, T Ping, the social workers, my sec sch bball mates and guys from the g league.
I miss certainly miss the happy days back in the G league... Undoubtedly, those were my happiest happiest days...
Ngee Ann simply ROX...
At 10:42 PM,
lepetitz said…
u finaly posted! had been reading ur blog in vain lor but u nv update anyting... grrrr. but i muz say this is a great post v well written n nice to read. hee.
is the PJ inside me? haha. or is there another pj!?
At 9:13 AM,
kein said…
wow, congrats on the marriage mate : )
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