The conversation between Alan & Xtra09
Alan(A): This time, i am really dead, i am losing my grip on the 5 modules, i've taken this sem...
Xtra09(X): Dun worry dude, i am sure you can do it... You've been doing it for the past 4 sems anyway
A: As if i could... 6 weeks gone n i haven even done a single thing yet... By the way i felt so happy when i stepped into changkat today on my way to tuition today... Happy and released...
X: Then go Changkat!
A: Unfortunately...i have a lot on my hands... I dun even think i can play ball this week anymore other than sunday... I really wan my old life back... 4 days of basketball per week
X: But time's up to you to manage anyway... It has always been you who said that! So what's the problem now...
A: I seriously think i m gone...unless, i m back at tampines n changkat i guess...
X: Alan...u r a loser...
A: I seriously hope i m not... but sometimes, cant help feeling like doubts, my expections for me has always been very high... I cant afford to falter... It's been a long long time since i last faltered, i m afraid i simply haven't had enough in me to overcome disappointments and failed expectations...
X: Why can't you be like me?
A: Back when i am happy go lucky and xtra as before?
X: yah!
A: I m afraid i m losing that part of me...i m really afraid...
X: Pick yourself up then... There's no time to lose...
A: i shall pick myself up... But one thing remains...I will be pissed when i cant meet my expectations...
X: As you wish...Pissed doesn't mean you can do anything about it other than accepting it...
A: *shrugs*
X: *laughs*
PS: Alan was always the more serious character than the ever funny n xtra XTRA09... However, Mr Yap has nowadays been forgetting about his Xtra09...lately...and letting the doom and gloomy ALan taking over his life n perceptions... A balance of both is always the best...
Xtra09(X): Dun worry dude, i am sure you can do it... You've been doing it for the past 4 sems anyway
A: As if i could... 6 weeks gone n i haven even done a single thing yet... By the way i felt so happy when i stepped into changkat today on my way to tuition today... Happy and released...
X: Then go Changkat!
A: Unfortunately...i have a lot on my hands... I dun even think i can play ball this week anymore other than sunday... I really wan my old life back... 4 days of basketball per week
X: But time's up to you to manage anyway... It has always been you who said that! So what's the problem now...
A: I seriously think i m gone...unless, i m back at tampines n changkat i guess...
X: Alan...u r a loser...
A: I seriously hope i m not... but sometimes, cant help feeling like doubts, my expections for me has always been very high... I cant afford to falter... It's been a long long time since i last faltered, i m afraid i simply haven't had enough in me to overcome disappointments and failed expectations...
X: Why can't you be like me?
A: Back when i am happy go lucky and xtra as before?
X: yah!
A: I m afraid i m losing that part of me...i m really afraid...
X: Pick yourself up then... There's no time to lose...
A: i shall pick myself up... But one thing remains...I will be pissed when i cant meet my expectations...
X: As you wish...Pissed doesn't mean you can do anything about it other than accepting it...
A: *shrugs*
X: *laughs*
PS: Alan was always the more serious character than the ever funny n xtra XTRA09... However, Mr Yap has nowadays been forgetting about his Xtra09...lately...and letting the doom and gloomy ALan taking over his life n perceptions... A balance of both is always the best...
At 1:30 AM,
lepetitz said…
pj: haha..datz a funny post! tokin to urself..
peijia: siao ar..i think he's crazy lor..tokin to himself..
pj: no lar at least itz a way of cheering himself up n getting to e funny side of him..
peijia: wateva..
pj: i prefer that xtra09 side of him thou..
----------------------------------- is indeed a funny post n i hope u can get back to ur cheerful self again!! like me!!
At 1:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
fuckg schizo!!! hehe.
At 2:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
wei, change is inevitable. must adapt then can survive right? =) dun be so hard on urself la... i know u can. see how much u crapped in emotions tut? wahaha~ (at least u can be sure of that mod. heh)
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