Losing it....
1. I should have smile more, but i couldn't make myself do it. ( Yating can do it though)
2. Slowly losing the "clenched fist feelings"
3. Letting myself slip into endless sleepless nights
4. I shouldn't have guzzle so much beer these days
5. Basketball fails to inspire me
6. Listening to 安静 and Heaven Knows all the time
7. Depressed...
8. Indecisive, fail to straighten out my thoughts after so long
Waiting for the final piece to inspire me once more, that's maybe economics. Am i mad? If that again fails to provide an impetus n purpose, i am truly a worthless piece of shit...
2. Slowly losing the "clenched fist feelings"
3. Letting myself slip into endless sleepless nights
4. I shouldn't have guzzle so much beer these days
5. Basketball fails to inspire me
6. Listening to 安静 and Heaven Knows all the time
7. Depressed...
8. Indecisive, fail to straighten out my thoughts after so long
Waiting for the final piece to inspire me once more, that's maybe economics. Am i mad? If that again fails to provide an impetus n purpose, i am truly a worthless piece of shit...
At 1:13 AM,
yat said…
hey alan, cheer up lei.. what happened to the cheery alan tt i knew a year ago!! Hope your stormy weather will be over soon.. anyway if u want someone to cheer u UP, can always ask me OUT okie since u said online is not fun to tok to and i am PHONE-SHY, the only way is to go out okie? remember we have to buy jas's present? hehz - teoyat
At 12:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
to the girl that might be readg this, do you know who u r? if u do, how do u feel? or r u happier somewhere else?
At 2:32 AM,
kein said…
I think I'm a worthless piece of shit too then, since nothing ever inspires me lol.
What a definition man.
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey boy!everyone has their down time, hence wats impt is tt u pull urslf up asap ya? sometimes we indulge in depression unknowingly.no amt of self pity watsoeva will help in changing any facts. so the only thing to do is to thk rationally as u always do and get out of this depression fast!!! ke yi de k!
At 8:36 PM,
xtra_09 said…
Hi so_near...
Well, the problem is thinking of someone is depressing, yet sweet at the same time. I dun self pity myself, dun worry. But i m not getting out soon either
At 8:38 PM,
xtra_09 said…
who's anonymous...
At 10:29 PM,
xtra_09 said…
who's anonymous...Dun tell me it's u hor, YY...
At 12:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
its not lah hee hee
juz wondering if she reads these comments, and if she knows and if she is touched. if she is, she might wanna leave a msg or sth hee
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