24th May
Today was my 1st day working in the Social Assistance Department in Northeast CDC. What i can i say? It's been really like the army days, where we required to do stores at the respective Team stores. Only this time round, instead of equipment, i get files n lots of files to sort out. Job's very nice, and the perm staff are quite friendly, especially my immediate supervisor and the manager. Haha... Social Assistance Department some more. What to expect? Maybe i am the most black hearted one there bah!
Went to Johore Bahru yesterday with my fellow uncles...Haha, joining the uncles' rank man. For 50 bucks, we had lots lots of seafoond for lunch and dinner, washing the food down with beer, of course! Haha.. and i had my very 1st taste of Lao Po Bing(Wife Biscuit)...It was ..........GOOD! Haha...No wonder Ah Wang make it for his Lao Po! Haha....
Leave you all pple with something...
If you like That Person
1. You Keep Thinking of That Person
2. You keep Thinking of how to make That Person happy, including silly things.
3. And of course, Thinking of how not to make That Person sad
4. You wouldn't mind just staring at That Person and not doing anything
5. You wish time would stop...
Went to Johore Bahru yesterday with my fellow uncles...Haha, joining the uncles' rank man. For 50 bucks, we had lots lots of seafoond for lunch and dinner, washing the food down with beer, of course! Haha.. and i had my very 1st taste of Lao Po Bing(Wife Biscuit)...It was ..........GOOD! Haha...No wonder Ah Wang make it for his Lao Po! Haha....
Leave you all pple with something...
If you like That Person
1. You Keep Thinking of That Person
2. You keep Thinking of how to make That Person happy, including silly things.
3. And of course, Thinking of how not to make That Person sad
4. You wouldn't mind just staring at That Person and not doing anything
5. You wish time would stop...
At 1:44 AM,
kein said…
Social Assistance Department = S-A-D. ;p
n btw: time progress then good ma, time stop how to develop the relationship? lol.
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