My very own 50 memories of Ngee Ann
Hey Guys...It's my own memories... So sorry if it doesn't remind you people of Ngee Ann...
Memories of NASS…
1.In NASS in the year 1995, There were only 2 batches, the Sec 1s and the Sec 2s
2.Posted to the Class 1C, found Sharin and SK strangely lookalike
3.Joined the Basketball Team, only to see the Sec 2s make up of a lot of “Jiang Hu Hao Jie” You can always refer to them as thugs and hooligans though. But they are really good in basketball.
4.Played soccer with people of 1F and 1E in the small plot of field behind the 1 and original basketball court.
5.Our only female coach (also known as Mouth of the east) of the East clash with PTI over the use of the court. PTI was also the coach of the volleyball team.
6.Interclass soccer finished second. But the real news was Timothy from 1E dribbling all the way from his penalty box to score the all important equalizer. However Ho Shuqiang did a R.Baggio in the shootout, and 1 E was eliminated.
7.We had Mr. Nipple Twister as our Technical Teacher. His favorite phrase: One Period gone, never to come back again.
8.Miss Liaw, the history teacher was the 1st teacher to discover 1C playing cards using the Little Bob dog playing Cards, since then nobody looked back.
9.Shortly after being warned by Miss Liaw, Playing cards became the rage among the Sec 1s of NASS.
10.Sec 2 in 1996, G League was born. I still remember I was the 1 who came up with this name.
11.Despite combining with 2B, the class of 2B/C couldn’t wrestle the soccer crown from 2P lead by Shaiful.
12.Inter School Basketball was a success, we finished 2nd in East Zone, though the Nationals was a disaster.
13.G league gets increasingly active, members from all over the Express Classes of the Sec 2s…
14.Sang Emil Chau’s “爱相随” with SK, Derek, and Sharin, and during 1 of the practice sessions, G League was nearly raided by the Vice Principal.
15.G League was finally raided. Honorary Chairman Dr Han rounds up all involved for meeting with Mrs Sundram. (Including Kok Feei, who claims he had only bet 50cents.)
16.The meeting turns out to be a fluke, Mrs Sundram, and the Principal was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the League( 40 plus people, including boys and girls) let us off after a warning.
17.G League continues….
18.Got the Best Project for literature, we made a very lousy model of the village in Rice w/o rain. Instead we got full marks because the village in the novel is supposed to be very rundown
19.The Project only took 1 day to make despite the members( SK, Sharin, Derek and me) meeting every week in the holidays. Guys, I hope you all remember what we did in Derek’s house… I certainly do.
20.We had “you ge” in the class, aka Lu Qing You. Dangerous Dynamite. Would blow off when people don’t talk to him or teachers asking him for his homework. Also known to be a Stalker!
21.Who could forget TARAM SINGH and that guy (forgot his name) who M in Class!
22.Auntie who sold drinks had always a foul expression, she’s still there anyway, and her son and daughter are taking over, still same foul expression.
23.Fell in love with SQ Yeo, however lost to Dr Han, honorary Chairman of G League.
24.We had this Science Teacher, Miss Alice Toh ( She was an old miss). Never teach properly in class, instead teach us how to make salad. Best part was we scored above 80 in the finals, including “you ge”, because she made a mess out of the markings.
25.OoPs, We had an ET as our Art Teache…Miss Soh…
26.Sec 3 in 1997, posted to class 3B. Best the class where all top students are! Certainly not 3A, because nobody wanted biology.
27.Had the best teacher of all time, Mrs Chiu in class!
28.Started to know JP and her gang of friends, she even dedicated that song “Bad Boy” by A mei to me…Oh she’s such a spontaneous gal!
29.Fell in love with her shortly after…
30.Titanic was the rage! In the dedication program, the song “My heart will go on” was played over and over again in the canteen…
31.Watch Armageddon with JP & gang…through a chance meeting. Though the “chance meeting” was elaborately thought out by SK n Swee Leng during the Winning 11 sessions
32.WOW!!! JP finished 2nd in the Talent Quest with her Song 聽海. However the real news is that the winner was an obese guy whom we thought he can’t sing. We even jeered loudly before he even open his mouth. In the end, he’s really 張學友 in disguise and won with the song 愛是永恆.
33.Who would ever forget that Dr Han went to watch the Talent Quest with his “famous” yellow SHORTS n T Shirt complete with slippers where everybody was so nicely dressed.
34.Finished Sec 3 as the Top Student in History. A moment of pride.
35.Got caught playing soccer in the void deck. Marched back to Ngee Ann by the Police. The Penalty was to weed out the weeds in the school field with our bare hands. Managed to get a pair of scissors from the canteen uncle. There was 12 – 13 of us.
36.Caught gambling in the basketball camp. Putting a premature end to my G League Career…Ms Yue was disappointed, so was my parents.
37.Oh yah…Jiajie was in love with Yingqian, though yingqian n Clement was a couple, and that Jiajie even sang William’s So 我為你傷心.
38.I sat in a corner of the class together with brilliant YYL, Kenny and Ridzuan who didn’t even know our own class mates like the 4 pretty ladies.
39.Borrowed a lot of homework from SQ, Guowei andYYL for copying. Yup and Bee fun too.
40.Finished 3rd in Basketball interclass. We could had finished 2nd, if not for my missed shot. Dramatic stuff, 2 overtimes and the ejection of derek
41.Watch Tiger Futsal with G League. So Siao on that we even bought Season Tickets. Who would forget the heroics of Yazid Yassin???
42.Combined Sports day was a huge success. The 1st time I ever REALLY cheered with my heart. Bottles as Drum sticks. Singing of School song unprompted. Running around the National stadium with NASS Flags. The Dunman high n Chung Cheung high people look at us as if we are from another planet…We even sang 阿牛’s 对面的女孩看过来 in the streets of Kallang
43.Racial Harmony Day turns into a Nipple Twisting Day in NASS…Inspired by Mr Peter Tan and SK.
44.Mr Andy Cole aka Alvin Ng broke the Art room’s window during soccer. The Chinese Orchestra notice board was also broken by some of us.
45.Ngee Ann has a Huge Clock Tower that never ever shows the correct time.
46.I was always teased about my colour blindness in sch. They even said that my laughter was disgusting but infectious. People who hear it tends to laugh too.
47.Interclass soccer: After being knocked out by the Malays, the Chinese of the G League and 4B had to settle for 3rd and 4th. I, from 4B was finally beaten in extra time by a golden goal from Jing Yuan.
48.O level Preparations was great. Study in school from 8am to 10am. Played a bit of soccer, go to tampines mall for lunch and finally end the day with more soccer. Good Preparations indeed.
49.But the Technical people all no guts. Run away from the quadrangle whenever Mrs Yap comes out of the technical room to chase them for their home work.
50.Finally the greatest derby of all: The Ngee Ann Derby, aka 2E vs the Rest of the World. Dr Han snatched the winning goal in the final derby match in the quadrangle in a thrilling 8 – 7 match after our geography paper, even though A maths was just 4 days away.
Memories of NASS…
1.In NASS in the year 1995, There were only 2 batches, the Sec 1s and the Sec 2s
2.Posted to the Class 1C, found Sharin and SK strangely lookalike
3.Joined the Basketball Team, only to see the Sec 2s make up of a lot of “Jiang Hu Hao Jie” You can always refer to them as thugs and hooligans though. But they are really good in basketball.
4.Played soccer with people of 1F and 1E in the small plot of field behind the 1 and original basketball court.
5.Our only female coach (also known as Mouth of the east) of the East clash with PTI over the use of the court. PTI was also the coach of the volleyball team.
6.Interclass soccer finished second. But the real news was Timothy from 1E dribbling all the way from his penalty box to score the all important equalizer. However Ho Shuqiang did a R.Baggio in the shootout, and 1 E was eliminated.
7.We had Mr. Nipple Twister as our Technical Teacher. His favorite phrase: One Period gone, never to come back again.
8.Miss Liaw, the history teacher was the 1st teacher to discover 1C playing cards using the Little Bob dog playing Cards, since then nobody looked back.
9.Shortly after being warned by Miss Liaw, Playing cards became the rage among the Sec 1s of NASS.
10.Sec 2 in 1996, G League was born. I still remember I was the 1 who came up with this name.
11.Despite combining with 2B, the class of 2B/C couldn’t wrestle the soccer crown from 2P lead by Shaiful.
12.Inter School Basketball was a success, we finished 2nd in East Zone, though the Nationals was a disaster.
13.G league gets increasingly active, members from all over the Express Classes of the Sec 2s…
14.Sang Emil Chau’s “爱相随” with SK, Derek, and Sharin, and during 1 of the practice sessions, G League was nearly raided by the Vice Principal.
15.G League was finally raided. Honorary Chairman Dr Han rounds up all involved for meeting with Mrs Sundram. (Including Kok Feei, who claims he had only bet 50cents.)
16.The meeting turns out to be a fluke, Mrs Sundram, and the Principal was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the League( 40 plus people, including boys and girls) let us off after a warning.
17.G League continues….
18.Got the Best Project for literature, we made a very lousy model of the village in Rice w/o rain. Instead we got full marks because the village in the novel is supposed to be very rundown
19.The Project only took 1 day to make despite the members( SK, Sharin, Derek and me) meeting every week in the holidays. Guys, I hope you all remember what we did in Derek’s house… I certainly do.
20.We had “you ge” in the class, aka Lu Qing You. Dangerous Dynamite. Would blow off when people don’t talk to him or teachers asking him for his homework. Also known to be a Stalker!
21.Who could forget TARAM SINGH and that guy (forgot his name) who M in Class!
22.Auntie who sold drinks had always a foul expression, she’s still there anyway, and her son and daughter are taking over, still same foul expression.
23.Fell in love with SQ Yeo, however lost to Dr Han, honorary Chairman of G League.
24.We had this Science Teacher, Miss Alice Toh ( She was an old miss). Never teach properly in class, instead teach us how to make salad. Best part was we scored above 80 in the finals, including “you ge”, because she made a mess out of the markings.
25.OoPs, We had an ET as our Art Teache…Miss Soh…
26.Sec 3 in 1997, posted to class 3B. Best the class where all top students are! Certainly not 3A, because nobody wanted biology.
27.Had the best teacher of all time, Mrs Chiu in class!
28.Started to know JP and her gang of friends, she even dedicated that song “Bad Boy” by A mei to me…Oh she’s such a spontaneous gal!
29.Fell in love with her shortly after…
30.Titanic was the rage! In the dedication program, the song “My heart will go on” was played over and over again in the canteen…
31.Watch Armageddon with JP & gang…through a chance meeting. Though the “chance meeting” was elaborately thought out by SK n Swee Leng during the Winning 11 sessions
32.WOW!!! JP finished 2nd in the Talent Quest with her Song 聽海. However the real news is that the winner was an obese guy whom we thought he can’t sing. We even jeered loudly before he even open his mouth. In the end, he’s really 張學友 in disguise and won with the song 愛是永恆.
33.Who would ever forget that Dr Han went to watch the Talent Quest with his “famous” yellow SHORTS n T Shirt complete with slippers where everybody was so nicely dressed.
34.Finished Sec 3 as the Top Student in History. A moment of pride.
35.Got caught playing soccer in the void deck. Marched back to Ngee Ann by the Police. The Penalty was to weed out the weeds in the school field with our bare hands. Managed to get a pair of scissors from the canteen uncle. There was 12 – 13 of us.
36.Caught gambling in the basketball camp. Putting a premature end to my G League Career…Ms Yue was disappointed, so was my parents.
37.Oh yah…Jiajie was in love with Yingqian, though yingqian n Clement was a couple, and that Jiajie even sang William’s So 我為你傷心.
38.I sat in a corner of the class together with brilliant YYL, Kenny and Ridzuan who didn’t even know our own class mates like the 4 pretty ladies.
39.Borrowed a lot of homework from SQ, Guowei andYYL for copying. Yup and Bee fun too.
40.Finished 3rd in Basketball interclass. We could had finished 2nd, if not for my missed shot. Dramatic stuff, 2 overtimes and the ejection of derek
41.Watch Tiger Futsal with G League. So Siao on that we even bought Season Tickets. Who would forget the heroics of Yazid Yassin???
42.Combined Sports day was a huge success. The 1st time I ever REALLY cheered with my heart. Bottles as Drum sticks. Singing of School song unprompted. Running around the National stadium with NASS Flags. The Dunman high n Chung Cheung high people look at us as if we are from another planet…We even sang 阿牛’s 对面的女孩看过来 in the streets of Kallang
43.Racial Harmony Day turns into a Nipple Twisting Day in NASS…Inspired by Mr Peter Tan and SK.
44.Mr Andy Cole aka Alvin Ng broke the Art room’s window during soccer. The Chinese Orchestra notice board was also broken by some of us.
45.Ngee Ann has a Huge Clock Tower that never ever shows the correct time.
46.I was always teased about my colour blindness in sch. They even said that my laughter was disgusting but infectious. People who hear it tends to laugh too.
47.Interclass soccer: After being knocked out by the Malays, the Chinese of the G League and 4B had to settle for 3rd and 4th. I, from 4B was finally beaten in extra time by a golden goal from Jing Yuan.
48.O level Preparations was great. Study in school from 8am to 10am. Played a bit of soccer, go to tampines mall for lunch and finally end the day with more soccer. Good Preparations indeed.
49.But the Technical people all no guts. Run away from the quadrangle whenever Mrs Yap comes out of the technical room to chase them for their home work.
50.Finally the greatest derby of all: The Ngee Ann Derby, aka 2E vs the Rest of the World. Dr Han snatched the winning goal in the final derby match in the quadrangle in a thrilling 8 – 7 match after our geography paper, even though A maths was just 4 days away.
At 12:07 AM,
kein said…
different memories ;p
but definitely there's more than 50 things to remember, 'cus i'm still together with the people who went thru all those years with me hiaks. some of 'em anyway.
At 7:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
tat's some great blogging.. better enjoy ur uni days dude.. working life aint' half as fun as study times..
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