Tempting Fate??
99% of the time, I'm quite convinced that singlehood's the way to go. So long as I have fun when I'm out, why care so much about whether that right one's gonna come along? Life's short after all, and one should enjoy to the fullest and live with few regrets. Being such a uniquely oddball individual, I think the human gene pool's not gonna miss my contributions by too much anyway ;p
The other 1% hits when my long lost friend Mr Depression comes visiting, and brings along his uninvited partner Mr Solitude -.- Talk about unwanted guests. They'll blabber and mutter in my ear all sorts of dreary future scenarios of old age plus loneliness, friends all having families of their own and you being the odd one out yada yada.. which I do my best to ignore. I'm not expecting to live up to a ripe old age anyway ;p ---- Kein
This short paragraph was taken out from a friend's blog. However, the reverse seems to be extremely true for me, i feel. i.e. 1% of the time, i am convinced that singlehood's the way to go, and 99% of the time, no doubt, u will feel the pressure to search for a partner and get attached...
especially when Mr depression and his partner come along. Maybe i will elaborate more again on this point next time round, don't really know what to say, except that i felt the reverse of it.
It's now 3 days to exams...I need a minimum of 2As to survive the season...Not trying very hard though, but not much i can do except hope...
The other 1% hits when my long lost friend Mr Depression comes visiting, and brings along his uninvited partner Mr Solitude -.- Talk about unwanted guests. They'll blabber and mutter in my ear all sorts of dreary future scenarios of old age plus loneliness, friends all having families of their own and you being the odd one out yada yada.. which I do my best to ignore. I'm not expecting to live up to a ripe old age anyway ;p ---- Kein
This short paragraph was taken out from a friend's blog. However, the reverse seems to be extremely true for me, i feel. i.e. 1% of the time, i am convinced that singlehood's the way to go, and 99% of the time, no doubt, u will feel the pressure to search for a partner and get attached...
especially when Mr depression and his partner come along. Maybe i will elaborate more again on this point next time round, don't really know what to say, except that i felt the reverse of it.
It's now 3 days to exams...I need a minimum of 2As to survive the season...Not trying very hard though, but not much i can do except hope...
At 9:48 AM,
kein said…
must advertise here liao ;p
for more interesting posts like the one quoted above, visit http://friend-less.blogspot.com! thankyew =)
n oh yeah, dont keep wishing for gf man. gers dont like despos ;p dont think too much, get to know more gers! jus do it.
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