I am Alan...

Life is always full of contradictions...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Can you believe it?

Disbelief i guessed. Yup... Both me and my brother got pretty decent grades for the final, scoring 4.2 and 4.13 respectively, which is simply wonderful... This is my 7 consecutive semester scoring 4 and above, a record i must say, i am pretty happy with. Scoring 4 is never easy, and maintaining it, requires great consistency, especially, i am just your average guy next door, with no super brains.... But for my brother, he stood out, he really stood out. 8 hours spent per module per week, can anyone believe it? That's really pure hardwork. You gonna be respecting the sacrifices he had to go through to achieve this. Really happy for him, as his nick finally changed to "Finally see the light" from a despondent "Gloom and Doom"

Happy new year though, and do remember those who cant live to see the new year...
Of course, we will one day be like them... :p


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